On this page you will find all recommended maintenance products per leather type. Simply click on a leather of your choice and you will receive all advised maintenance products for each type of leather. Do you have questions about your leather, maintenance products, stains or cleaning? Do not hesitate to contact LCK Nederland. Take a look at the contact page for all necessary information.
- Twilight
preventive care:
Keralux® set Vi
Keralux® cleaning glove set
dried out leather:
Keralux® leatherbalm
colour repair:
Keralux® colour repair set
The Keralux® set Vi can be used twice a year or more. The LCK® cleaning… - Vintage
preventive care:
Keralux® set Vi
Keralux® cleaning glove set
dried out leather:
Keralux® leatherbalm
colour repair:
Keralux® colour repair set
The Keralux® set Vi can be used twice a year or more. The LCK® cleaning…